

HEmP is for Emacs Projects

          Fossil SCM   GNU Emacs

HEmP is a single Fossil repository hosting multiple Emacs projects.

Repository structure

Project separation is achieved by organising the repository into project trees, each with their own trunk1, e.g. ifi, and release or development branches prefixed with the name of the trunk to which they are attached, e.g. ifi-notify. The Fossil default branch trunk is used for miscellaneous files shared between projects, e.g. images, licenses and tools, plus the Markdown source for this page.

  1. A branch beginning with an orphaned checkin/commit. Such a branch, having no ultimate parent, cannot easily be merged with any other.


Trunk     Name/description     Release     Other documentation formats
esteem 🕟     ESTEEM shared folder sentry         HTML   PDF   Info   Text
ifi 🕟     IFI Fossil Interface         HTML   PDF   Info   Text
sod 🕟     Screen on Daemacsen suite         HTML   PDF   Info   Text
util 🕟     Miscellaneous utilities         HTML   PDF   Info   Text
vco 🕟     Version Control Overview (VCO)         HTML   PDF   Info   Text

Anonymous quick start (*nix)

$ mkdir --parents hemp/trunk
$ cd hemp
$ fossil clone https://software.sebyte.me/hemp hemp.fossil
$ cd trunk
$ fossil open ../hemp.fossil
$ tool/checkout-trunks.sh  # checkout each project under ../<project-trunk>/
$ cd .. && ls
esteem  hemp.fossil  ifi  trunk  util  vco