

# Home

<!-- HEMP is for Emacs Projects -->
<div style="font-size:larger; margin-top:12px; text-decoration:underline">
<b>H</b>EmP is for <b>Em</b>acs <b>P</b>rojects

<!-- Inline style sheet -->
h1 { margin-top:20px }
p { max-width:760px }
ol { max-width:760px; font-size:smaller; padding:0 20px }

<!-- Sadly, $ROOT doesn't work for images -->
           ![Fossil SCM](/hemp/uv/image/fossil.gif)   ![GNU Emacs](/hemp/uv/image/emacs.png)

HEmP is a single [Fossil][] repository hosting multiple [Emacs][]

# Repository structure

Project separation is achieved by organising the repository into
project _trees_, each with their own trunk<sup>1</sup>,
e.g. [ifi][ifi-tl], and release or development branches prefixed with
the name of the trunk to which they are attached,
e.g. [ifi-notify][ifi-notify-tl].  The Fossil default branch
[trunk][trunk-tl] is used for miscellaneous files shared between
projects, e.g. images, licenses and tools, plus the [Markdown
source][] for this page.

<ol><li>A branch beginning with an <em>orphaned</em> checkin/commit.
Such a branch, having no ultimate parent, cannot easily be merged with
any other.</li></ol>

[Fossil]: https://fossil-scm.org "Fossil SCM home"
[Emacs]: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ "GNU Emacs home"
[ifi-notify-tl]: /timeline?r=ifi-notify&v "Timeline"
[trunk-tl]: /timeline?r=trunk&v "Timeline"
[Markdown source]: /doc/trunk/home.md?mimetype=text/plain

# Projects

|                   Trunk   :|:   Name/description                    |        Release   :|:   Other documentation formats

| [esteem][] [🕟][est-tl]   :|:      ESTEEM shared folder sentry      |                  :|:    HTML            PDF            Info            Text
|    [ifi][] [🕟][ifi-tl]   :|:   [**IFI Fossil Interface**][ifi-h]   |                  :|:   [HTML][ifi-s]   [PDF][ifi-p]   [Info][ifi-i]   [Text][ifi-t]
|    [sod][] [🕟][sod-tl]   :|:      Screen on Daemacsen suite        |                  :|:    HTML            PDF            Info            Text
|   [util][] [🕟][uti-tl]   :|:      Miscellaneous utilities          |                  :|:    HTML            PDF            Info            Text
|    [vco][] [🕟][vco-tl]   :|:      Version Control Overview (VCO)   |                  :|:    HTML            PDF            Info            Text

<!-- Files -->
[esteem]: /dir?ci=esteem&type=tree "Files"
[ifi]: /dir?ci=ifi&type=tree "Files"
[sod]: /dir?ci=sod&type=tree "Files"
[util]: /dir?ci=util&type=tree "Files"
[vco]: /dir?ci=vco&type=tree "Files"
<!-- Timeline -->
[est-tl]: /timeline?r=esteem&v "Timeline"
[ifi-tl]: /timeline?r=ifi&v "Timeline"
[sod-tl]: /timeline?r=sod&v "Timeline"
[uti-tl]: /timeline?r=util&v "Timeline"
[vco-tl]: /timeline?r=vco&v "Timeline"
<!-- Release tarball -->
[est-0.1.0]: /uv/esteem-0.1.0.tgz "Compressed tarball"
[ifi-0.1.0]: /uv/ifi-0.1.0.tgz "Compressed tarball"
[sod-0.1.0]: /uv/sod-0.1.0.tgz "Compressed tarball"
[uti-0.1.0]: /uv/util-0.1.0.tgz "Compressed tarball"
[vco-0.1.0]: /uv/vco-0.1.0.tgz "Compressed tarball"
<!-- Documentation -->
[est-h]: /doc/esteeem/doc/ "HTML manual (inline)"
[est-s]: /doc/esteeem/doc/esteeem.html "HTML manual (standalone)"
[est-p]: /doc/esteeem/doc/esteeem.pdf "PDF manual"
[est-i]: /doc/esteeem/doc/esteeem.info "Info manual"
[est-t]: /doc/esteeem/doc/esteeem.text?mimetype=text/plain "Plain text manual (inline)"

[ifi-h]: /doc/ifi/doc/ "HTML manual (inline)"
[ifi-s]: /doc/ifi/doc/ifi.html "HTML manual (standalone)"
[ifi-p]: /doc/ifi/doc/ifi.pdf "PDF manual"
[ifi-i]: /doc/ifi/doc/ifi.info "Info manual"
[ifi-t]: /doc/ifi/doc/ifi.text?mimetype=text/plain "Plain text manual (inline)"

[sod-h]: /doc/sod/doc/ "In-Fossil HTML manual"
[sod-s]: /doc/sod/doc/sod.html "Standalone HTML manual"
[sod-p]: /doc/sod/doc/sod.pdf "PDF manual"
[sod-i]: /doc/sod/doc/sod.info "Info manual"
[sod-t]: /doc/sod/doc/sod.text?mimetype=text/plain "Plain text manual (inline)"

[uti-h]: /doc/util/doc/ "In-Fossil HTML manual"
[uti-s]: /doc/util/doc/util.html "Standalone HTML manual"
[uti-p]: /doc/util/doc/util.pdf "PDF manual"
[uti-i]: /doc/util/doc/util.info "Info manual"
[uti-t]: /doc/util/doc/util.text?mimetype=text/plain "Plain text manual (inline)"

[vco-h]: /doc/vcol/doc/ "In-Fossil HTML manual"
[vco-s]: /doc/vcol/doc/vcol.html "Standalone HTML manual"
[vco-p]: /doc/vcol/doc/vcol.pdf "PDF manual"
[vco-i]: /doc/vcol/doc/vcol.info "Info manual"
[vco-t]: /doc/vcol/doc/vcol.text?mimetype=text/plain "Plain text manual (inline)"

# Anonymous quick start (*nix)
$ mkdir --parents hemp/trunk
$ cd hemp
$ fossil clone https://software.sebyte.me/hemp hemp.fossil
$ cd trunk
$ fossil open ../hemp.fossil
$ tool/checkout-trunks.sh  # checkout each project under ../<project-trunk>/
$ cd .. && ls
esteem  hemp.fossil  ifi  trunk  util  vco